Considérations internes

Dans le feu d’une conversation ce soir, j’écrivis :

« one day I was thinking that maybe the act of learning lojban was some kind of voluntary spiritual experience that helps getting from one point in the lifeline to another

and being only an “initiation” to this latter stage in self development, it becomes unecessary (since it is then transcended) once the point is reached


the fact is, I am searching for something by learning lojban, and I don’t know what it is; I’m not even sure I’ll be able to recognize it when I find it, and I am scared that maybe I’m not searching in the right direction

I only know it’s something about expressing myself »

Après coup, je me suis dit que j’avais exprimé là quelque chose de très important pour moi.

Ça va encore me faire réfléchir, je le sens.