Bastard Operator From Hell

En lisant les commentaires associés à un article de Slashdot daté d’hier, je suis tombé sur celui-ci :

I used to live fairly close to a major street and not too far from a university campus, so wardrivers were always trying to connect to my network. > So I decided to ask WWTBOFHD? (What Would The Bastard Operator From Hell Do?)

So, I set up a nice AP called linksys with no WEP. Obviously, every freeloader on the planet would try and connect to it. > Oh, and you could connect to it alright. The problem was that it was connected directly to a proxy server that rerouted every web request directly to and blocked everything else.

Apparently the word got around, and the number of people trying to access that AP went down precipitously after that.

Je trouve l’idée absolument géniale. Si ce n’est que j’apporterais deux modifications à ce système :

  1. j’utiliserais tubgirl, qui fait plus d’effet.
  2. j’installerais aussi un vrai proxy sur le réseau, caché, car si quelqu’un est suffisamment compétent pour le trouver, alors il mérite de profiter de ma connexion librement.