Quiz for the New Year

Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, evaluate how you were happy in 2007 and what you’re up to for 2008:

  1. Have you been healthy in 2007? Are there major illnesses preparing for 2008?
  2. Have you had sex in 2007? How do you plan to have sex in 2008?
  3. Have you had a home in 2007? How do you plan to have one in 2008?
  4. Did you feel safe, protected against crime in 2007? How do you plan to feel safe in 2008?
  5. Did you have a safety net against accidents or illness in 2007? How do you plan to have one in 2008?
  6. Did you have a steady source of income, or otherwise a resourceful environment in 2007? How do you plan to have that in 2008?
  7. Did you have close friends in 2007? How do you plan to have/keep close friends in 2008?
  8. Did you have close emotional or intimate partners in 2007? How do you plan to have/keep partners in 2008?
  9. Did you have a supportive and communicative family in 2007? How do you plan to have one in 2008?
  10. did you respect yourself and other people in 2007? How do you plan for respect in 2008?
  11. are you proud of yourself and what you did in 2007? How do you plan to be proud in 2008?

How to use this quiz for 2007: answer the questions in order. Then take the number of the first question where you answered no. That is your happiness score out of 10. Now, try to improve this score in 2008.

If you answered yes to all the questions, then you’ve been happy already! Keep going for 2008.