3, 2, 1, Fight !

Lorsque des gens discutent des remous récents concernant les demandes européennes de sortir le contrôle des noms de l’Internet des USA, certains avancent que ce serait une erreur de décharger ces responsabilités du pays qui les assume le mieux.

Heureusement, certains ne sont pas d’accord :

Do Europeans think it is a good idea to fork the root servers?

Most of the root servers are outside US. What other coutries want is just a system where one stupid president cannot shut off the whole (or part of) internet in his fight agains “terrorism”.

Do Europeans think that Iraq deserves Saddam Hussein?

Maybe we should let the Iraq-people decide ?

You cannot believe that US attacked Iraq because of Iraqians’ human rights ? It was NOT because of terrorism or WMD, it was NOT because of human rights, it was because of controlling oil reserves.

Do Europeans think that a strong PRC without human rights reforms is a good thing?

You say that the US was/is preventing it somehow ?

For a great many Europeans the answer to all of these questions is a firm NON.

You and Your fellow Americans always think You know everything. Youre wrong.

We have acted arrogantly, as if we own the world. Its an arrogance that comes in part from a history of looking back on the consequences of our past arrogance and being satisfied with the results.

Your history is actually very short.

Not least of these results is the Strong, Free and Democratic Europe which hates our guts and which would not exist (twice over) were it not for the American desire to remake the world to conform to American values.

Now don’t forget that the american civilization would not exist without european immigrants.

If Europe keeps on fighting America, Europe will eventually start winning some battles.

I heard there were some other parties around this table too…

You may destroy American efforts at peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

You must be joking. It is the US which has kept the war between Israeli and palestinians going. Without US support Israeli would have agreed to a Palestinian nation long ago, and that would have soothed the area.

You may prevent the United States from attacking the next Saddam Hussein (can you say Kim Jong Il?).

You think that US is entitled to attack Korea ? You may create a dominant PRC that doesn’t have any reason to care about human rights.

Again, do You really think the US is somehow helping the chinese human rights ? How ?

If European leaders think that setting up their own root servers or sabotaging a diplomatic accord here or there will cure the Americans of their Arrogance and end American Unilateralism, they fundamentally misunderstand America and the American Spirit.

We have seen that it is “the American Spirit” which allows a coutry to start a war without a reason. Before Bush it was latest done by Hitler and Stalin. Few Americans know that attacking Iraq was not accepted in ANY other country. Even UK officially supported, the majority of people were against.

( Original : par là )

Par contre, je n’avais jamais vu auparavant un tel concentré de bêtise mélangé de haine de chaque côté.